South America October 2001
I HAVE tried to be selective... I hope you won't see any photos that waste your time. There are just too many amazing photo opportunities in Ecuador, the Galapagos and Peru! (See note at bottom if you want copies of any of these.)
Click here for a small collection of some of the most dramatic photos.
I haven't made these pages sophisticated... after the above, I recommend you start with "First part, main account". Enjoy the pictures there, then click your browser's "Back" button. If you read through the "Main account, continued" pages, you will get a good overview of the trip, and some of the best pictures.
The "Animals" section is the next best stuff.
After that, enjoy as much (as little?) as you wish.
Some sections have not been scanned, written up, etc. yet.
Tom Boyd ...or...
Click on any of the following for other photos....
First part, main account of trip- Quito and Galapagos
.........main account continued- Galapagos (2)
.........main account continued- Galapagos (3)
.........main account continued- Cusco and Inca sites (4)
.........main account continued- Cusco (5)
.........main account continued- Cusco (6)
.........main account continued- Macchu Picchu (7)
.........main account continued- Final Odds and Ends (8)
First part, Animals, Best not in "Main Account"
...Animals, page 2
...Animals, page 3
...Animals, page 4
To come...
Photos probably of interest only to fellow trip participants
(... at least!)
If you are a real glutton for punishment, click here for the photos I put on the web last year of my trip to Italy in October 2000.
The photos on this site are copyright TK Boyd, 2000 and 2001. Personal friends are by all means welcome to copied for their personal use. Your best bet is to load the relevant image file on it's own. For Windows users: just right click on the image you are interested in, click "Properties", note the name, access that with your browser.
Personal friends: The photos here are not reproduced in the same quality as the originals. If you would like prints, in most cases I can arrange them...tell me which you want (the ppd01aXXX name is best, obtained as explained in previous paragraph), what size you want, and whether there's any urgency. I'll ask for my costs, and a $15 contribution which I'll pass on the the Galapagos research fund we learned about at the Darwin Research Station.
Also for personal friends: I can do a CD-ROM for you with all of the photos and linkages... i.e. you would use it like you are using this... but without needing to wait for the internet to deliver. For the CD, I'd ask for $5 for my costs and $15 for the good people at Darwin Research.
Apologies to anyone who encountered the problem than some browsers had with the filenames I was using around 22 November 2000