ver 4Nov07
boydhis5lunain1793.txt (computer:india)
What this is:
Transcript of a marriage, that of my G-G-G-grandparents, I believe:
Thomas Lunham / Margaret Ainslie, 1793
Notes on the strength of my "proof"
Below: A transcript of the certified copy of the same, which is filed under the same FHS reference number. See also notes on conclusions, below transcript.
From Register of Proclamations of Banns & Marriages 27 Oct 1793,
Parish of Deskford
County of Banff
@@= individual character uncertain
*@* passage unclear
(?)preceeding uncertain... "(?)" not in text itself
{comment}... not in text itself
Throughout, there is a frequently repeated odd squiggle after terminal letters, especially "e"s. It appears on words which are otherwise certain, e.g. "were" "irregular". Many of the terminal "@"s in the following, e.g. on "marriage", are probably just this "ornament".
"Collected two shillings & thre pence after prayers @@@@ {at forst I thought maybe "&etc", but see below} The ministers, George Henderson & John Young, Elders compeared {I think that's what it says...} before this *@* {"sessons"?} Thomas Lunham and Margaret Ainsley and gave in their marriage@ lines, they were rebuked for their Irregular marriage@, ordered to pay the Kirk {not 100% clear} {"dues" next?} they adhering to one another as man and wife, were Exhorted to Christian behaviour in their married life and so dismissed.
"The *@* {same abbeviation I thought was "&etc" above. Probably means something like "service"} Closed wiht Prayers."
Conclusions, inferences.....
I am taking these to be the parents of Mary Lunham on the slender evidence of...
- The date seems about right. Mary born 11 Dec 1818
- John James BOYD, b. abt 1847, who would have been a grandson of Mary, if I'm right, named one of his sons Colin Ainslie BOYD
- Thomas Lunham BOYD, another grandson, named a son Rupert Ainslie BOYD
- Worrying: No children found with definate dob near time of marriage. All I have at 11/07 is Mary, b. 1818