Natural History (Birds, etc)
This material is not 'polished'!!
As I surf the net, I come across various things that I wish someone had told me about.
In theory, one day it will all be available in the polished sections of my
website. In the meantime, if you're willing to 'dig' through some disorganised
material, you may be rewarded with 'gems'!
In some cases, the text is snipped from other sources. Therefore, among other things, the
personal pronoun may not refer to the editor of this page. If, on the
other hand something is identified as coming from 'TKB', he IS the pages's editor!
Ad from page's editor: Yes.. I do enjoy compiling these things for you...
hope they are helpful. However.. this doesn't pay my bills!!! If you
find this stuff useful, (and you run an MS-DOS or Windows pc) please visit my freeware and shareware page,
download something, and circulate it for me? Links on your page to
this page would also be appreciated!
Click here to visit editor's freeware, shareware page.
Birdhouse plans can be found at: [[tried [[rest.. not
My thanks to the person who responded to: HELP?? Does anyone know
of sites where recommended dimensions and siting info on birdhouses
is posted?
Here is how to submit answer, please.
If you know of other good ones, please email?
Someone also recommended a booklet on the subject:
NEST BOXES by Chris du Feu (2nd edition 1993)
This is a BTO field guide No. 23; published by
The British Trust for Ornithology, National Centre for Ornithology, The Nunnery
Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 2PU, England
ISBN 0-903793-29-6
Their (UK- code +44, and drop leading 0 if calling from abroad)
phone No. is 0842 750050 or fax 0842 750030
This website should appeal to anyone interested in nature....
I'm not sure the type of links you are looking for but I write weekly birding articles you might be interested in. You can check them out at:
[When I (TKB) checked, a while ago, this site wasn't very friendly to users not downloading graphics, and was quite slow to load... but that was back in the days of slow modems!]
This site provides a constantly updated list of random Bird Watching web pages.
When you visit you can also add your own Bird Watching related web page.
This website should appeal to anyone interested in nature....
I'm not sure the type of links you are looking for but I write weekly birding
articles you might be interested in. You can check them out at:
[Frames, slow to load, not no-graphics-download friendly... but lots of stuff!]
Someone asked: Does anyone know if RSPB (UK birding organisation, The Lodge, Sandy) can be reached by e-mail or if they have a web site?
Someone suggested...
(Tkb comment: I thought it was a glossy advert... little useful info about birding. Maybe it has been improved since I looked.)
NatureNode: One Stop Website For Nature lovers!
Various resources, e.g.....
NatureNode Seed Exchange:
Folks trade seeds from around the world. (The wisdom of ignoring the laws regarding indroducing exotics has been questioned) There are also several detailed USDA zone maps (and european equivalent) for you to find your growing zone and articles related to gardening.
NatureNode Recipes Archives:
There are already over 100 recipes here. The categories include Wild Food Recipes, Herb Recipes (Food and Non-Food), Insect Recipes, Camping Recipes, and Wild Mushroom Recipes.
There are many other nature resources at the NatureNode including
articles, educational resources, and earth-friendly shopping.
Whales of the World resource
Is there a UK birds news group?
Try uk.rec.birdwatching
Additionally, you can try scot.birds
Web cam featuring the Loch Garten osprey nest webcam. Make it your homepage!
Web cam featuring the nest of some American bald eagles. (may be
For UK wildlife legislation:
For bird songs, and links to related sites, try
For British readers:
Q: Can anyone help with the origin of, or any other passage sightings of an Osprey bearing the
letters VX on a yellow darvic ring on the right leg and reportedly a 'white' ring (but possibly metal) on the left leg.
A:Apparently such things can be forwarded to the BTO Ringing Unit by e-mail to...
Peregrine falcon photos...
(peregrine nest webcam)
Some limited shots at
There is a live cam of falcons nesting on top of the Montreal Stock Exchange. They also have some archived photos.
[This is a particularly fine site [tkb]]
Visit the following for an intersting example of a good use of the web.
Maybe you'll be inspired to do something similar for your area!
Pick of wildlife news and sightings for the week,
primarily from around the Havant area in SE Hampshire.
(On coast, south of London, England). For more information
you should visit Ralph Hollins's web site which now has maps
and full directions showing how to find local sites of interest
(under "My patch").
Just been to this site, courtesy information in Birding Scotland:
and its parent:
These are new to me and quite fascinating.
Also from Birding Scotland, European bird songs on:
Looking for a unique holiday gift for that special someone on your list? How
about an eagle, hawk, owl or falcon? All are available through Audubon's
Adopt-a-Bird program! Your gift adoption helps Audubon's Center for Birds of
Prey with the care and rehabilitation of raptors. The adoption packet includes
a photo and biography of your chosen bird, a personalized adoption certificate
and gift card, a species information sheet, and an annual subscription to
Florida Raptor News, the Center's quarterly newsletter. Our education-oriented
Bird Buddy adoption kits also include activity sheets for the kids!
Just click on the link above to visit our Adopt-a-Bird family! From our
homepage, you can see photos and bios of all 28 of our non-releasable raptor
residents. While you're there, be sure to visit our newest addition, Smedley
(the cutest osprey in the world!), who came to us when he was less than a week
If you're unable to hyperlink, the address is:
[Forgive me.... but do please remember to be sure any such enterprise is
genuine before sending cash. I know nothing about this one... for all I
know it it NOT one of the scams... but scams abound. Don't make things
easy for them.]
Q: Does anyone know if RSPB (At the Lodge ie.) can be reached by e-mail OR if
they have their own Web-pages yet ???
[tkb view: When I visited it, some time ago, it mas mostly glossy advert...
little useful info about birding.]
National Wildlife Federation's Homepage
Lots of links, some games.
Commendations to....
(Oh, alright, I confess bias... a) it was featuring peregrines when I first
visited it, and b) the web supervisor was kind enough to email me to
let me know that there was a faulty link at my site!...
but it IS a good site!)
Be sure to check out the Fledgling Corner:
It is a site full of games, crafts, articles, and info - all about birds -
all for kids of all ages. There is also a teacher/parent section with
articles, lesson plans, and suggested books.
Under the Western Sky...
.... a FREE, information-packed webzine of astronomy and lore for the
entire Western United States, from Fargo to L.A., Brownsville to
Features include:
Sky Journal - what to look for in the October sky and a printable Night
Sights calendar.
Sky Lights - a cool constellation each month.
Calendar - history and lore of the West, science, and modern culture -
fully hyperlinked.
Links to all the Western states, including every National Park.
Links to amateur astronomy clubs in your area.
Find a star party anywhere in the West.
Links to bird song/call audio files on the internet...
go to..
then scroll down to the Bird Songs/Calls section, near the end.
see also:
Birding Links page...
I really like They have lots of good information and
links to organizations. I particularly like using it to get to hotline
information by region. It's set up really well and I have found that it's
an excellent place to start a birding info search.
L. Kleinman
Stuff about masai mara and kenyan wildlife:
Bat monitoring project
Bat house.... use altavista 'bat house', e.g.
UK bird watchers page..
Hummingbirds.. heavily graphic dependent
Link to 'My Desk Pile' main page
Here is how you can contact this page's editor.