South America: Second part, main account

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We lived for a week on the boat you see, doing most of our travelling at night.

When we went ashore, it was to beaches generally marked at most with footprints.

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We had two Zodiacs for exploring coastlines up close, and for going ashore.

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Our home, and gangway to the Zodiacs.

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A typical headland, near sunset

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One of the famous Darwin's finches... plain, isn't it? Size of a large sparrow.

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Always several of these frigatebirds were in our immediate neighbourhood. They feed exclusively by theft from others... so their abundance underlines how vigourous the foodchain is in the islands.

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Baby sea lion and a marine iguana. The former will be playful before much older, the latter has less sense of humour, and doesn't appreciate being pestered by the sea lions.

Most of my anilmal photos are in their own file... the above were just a taste.

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The white marks on the lower ledges are caused by the guano from roosting seabirds.

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A view of some sandlewood, or incense trees, which covered the flanks of many or the semi barren hills. (They were about 18 feet high.) Animal life here is out of Eden. Plant life is much more aggressive, most of it covered in spines.

(That's all in this file) Go back to previous
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