My Desk Pile: More investing stuff

This material is not 'polished'!!

For older, more polished this

As I surf the net, I come across various things that I wish someone had told me about. In theory, one day it will all be available in the polished sections of my website. In the meantime, if you're willing to 'dig' through some disorganised material, you may be rewarded with 'gems'!

In some cases, the text is snipped from other sources. Therefore, among other things, the personal pronoun may not refer to the editor of this page. If, on the other hand something is identified as coming from 'TKB', he IS the pages's editor!

You may use it... I hope you will... but you are only allowed to use it if you accept all associated risk.

Ad from page's editor: Yes.. I do enjoy compiling these things for you... hope they are helpful. However.. this doesn't pay my bills!!! If you find this stuff useful, (and you run an MS-DOS or Windows pc) please visit my freeware and shareware page, download something, and circulate it for me? Links on your page to this page would also be appreciated!

Click here to visit editor's freeware, shareware page.

Some of the following links may be incorrect... no promises on this page yet!

A Web Page designed for Value Investors....
(The 'I' in the following is not the author of the site where this appears, i.e. is not TK Boyd)

It has links to all the best stock screen, option pricing (Black Scholes), economic data, company information and other useful Web Pages that I have been able to find.

I have also compiled a great deal of historical data on the Dow Jones, S&P 500, interest rates, inflation, PE ratios and past bear markets on my own. There are many surprising relationships. Also included is discussions on stock option compensation, dividend yields, true earnings growth, book values, returns on equity and more. Many of the analysts on TV and in the press neglect many of these critical factors in properly determining "intrinsic value". Many make disingenuous statements about the present investment environment and the past. You can find out the facts here! You can also see a contrary interpretation of them. One that goes against the prevailing wisdom on "the street".

It is a work in progress. There is much more to come. Please visit. I am sure you will find some valuable information. Also, please contribute your ideas and suggestions.

L.T. Institute of Finance

Visit us for FAQs, "Stock Picking Game", Free technical / fundamental analysis of your stocks for learning only (no investment advice).

Training stocks / options trading and building relationships beyond the classes..

Someone asked for a web page that simplifies stock trading so a beginner can get a basic understanding of how it works? Where can I find out about what terms like "dividends" and "yields" and other stuff are...

There are a number of links to explore from my website,

(I don't cover either specific term on my page.)

Two excellent books pitched at about the level which seems to interest you:

Beardstown Ladies Guide to Investing
All You Ever Need To Know About Investing, Tobias

Enjoy, prosper...
More good reading:

How to make money in Stocks by William O'Neil
Market Wizards by Jack Schwager
The New Market Wizards by Jack Schwager
How to profit in bull & bear markets by Stan Weinstein

One Up On Wall Street (Lynch) is a good place to start. Very easy to read. If you only want to read one book, this wouldn't be a bad choice.

How To Buy Stocks (Engel), is a bit tedious, but does a good job of covering the nuts and bolts. Won't tell you much about strategies, though.

The Intelligent Investor (Graham) is a classic on value investing. Many probably consider it outdated, but it could save you from losing everything in a fit of speculation. I certainly wouldn't start out with this book, though.

"The Money Masters" by John Train, which was the book that made me know I wanted to manage money for a career

"The New Money Masters" is also good, and a book I believe was called "Market Wizards," which was about the way traders view markets rather than the way investors view them. Since much of each day's action is made up of trading moves, great value lies in understanding that way of thinking. These books, while not as pedantic as the three above, are genuinely fun to read and thus impart valuable information without much strain.

For news on companies...

I've recently found what I think is a new investor web site. It's something of a technical analysis site, and quickly becoming my favorite.

If you haven't checked it out, it's worth a visit:

I require real-time stock updates. What is the best one to use?

Any site where I can obtain delayed quotes, charts, news and market summary ?

Check out Quote.Com ( They offer what you're looking for and are coming out with lots of new stuff all the time.

Also, I'm compiling a web page with links to these sorts of sites for a friend of mine. Its already published at
but many of the links are out of date. If you check back in the next day or two, we should have it up and running with the new look, feel and links by then!

Try here for tools for fundamental analysis with graphs and industry comparisons... (impressive.. online search by params such as p/e, cap) (found, couldn't connect 6May98) (found, couldn't connect 6May98)

Valuable financial ratio information can be available at under company research, if you don't know how to calculate them from the company reports

Today I looked up Medtronic company.

Medtronic Inc MDT In 1987 stock was priced $5-$6 on 213 mill shares outst now in 1997 stock is priced $60-$70 on 240 mill shares outst world's largest manufacturer of implantable biomedical devices worth 15 billion

And I looked up USW, and USW worth 16 billion and owns the phone lines in these states Ariz. Colo Idaho Iowa Minn. Montana Nebraska New Mexico North Dakota Oregon SDak. Utah Wash. Wyoming

Now, it is extremely hard for me to believe that the phone service of 1/2 of continental USA is worth about as much as a implantable medical device company. Or that MRK is valued at 5 USWs

When I buy stock, I pretend as if I am buying the whole company. A choice between having all of MDT or all of USW, the choice is obvious. And yesterday I read about USW cellular business merging with that of Airtouch the California cellular company.

MRK 102 bill
ZEN 27 bill
SGP 27 bill
PNU 18 bill

Q: What can I do if I know I have shares in a company, but have lost the certificate?

A: You can get the share(s) replaced, but it will cost you.

If you contact the transfer agent (or the company) they usually have a present arrangement to get a indemnification bond.

First, you have to supply an notarized agreement to imdemnify them against loss. They cancel the existing certificate and issue a new one. You have to pay a fee (usually about 2% of the present value of the shares) for the indemnification policy.

In addition, if you have uncollected dividends or other distributions, by now they may have been escrowed to a state government - likely the one where the stock was originally registered. The state government (usually the state treasury or a sub-office) holds the dividends and other distributions and will return them to you (no interest) after you also file the appropriate forms.

I live in Pa. and the state treasurer here is very agressive about looking for people and makes the procedure easy - some states are not so helpful.

There is helpful information on the AAII site ( which I think you can get to without a member password and also I suspect on [extensive, with search engine.. tkb]

Britain's weekly international journal "The Economist" is now available online at

You can even download The Economist Screensaver with its useful international database as well as receive Politics This Week and Business This Week by email -- just for registering as a visitor.

When I (tkb) looked, the site was complex.. frames, etc.. thus slow to load, but the material was good.

I often think that when to sell is often harder than when to buy. Too often we get caught up in all the hype from Wall Street about a stock and sell way too early. The best investors, the Buffetts and Lynch's all took the long-term approach to investing. Having a stock double is nice, but the real money comes when it increases 5 and ten-fold and you still own it. I covered this topic in a market commentary. If you want to read it at

David Wilson Wilson Financial Report

A book on the web: over 250 Pages of Free Stock Investing & Tech Analysis Instruction at

We've just added an Investor Links directory to our site. Hope you find it useful. We also have Stock Message Boards and Investing Resources

If you need to know a stock ticker, try...

Need a cusip number? go to:

PowerStocks International: Stock splits, corporate earnings, news & more!

Someone was looking for (free) historic data for the last year or so for all or part of major stocks traded on the NYSE or NASDAQ.

Someone replied: I've got a bunch of links for this type of data at

Someone asked for an internet site where one can obtain end of day data for foreign equities. Specifically, I need the open, high, low and close. Also, I am primarily concerned with European equities. Thanks in advance and if possible, please reply directly to my e-mail address given below.

Someone replied: There's no one site that's got all the prices in one convenient file to download. It's pretty much depends on the country. The CBS Marketwatch site has a lot of countries, but not all. And you can't really download from their site. I've got a whole bunch of links to all kinds of data sources at Your mileage is going to vary by country. If you need just a few prices, you will probably be able to get them. If you want to download everything, don't plan on getting this for free off the net.

Come see why a bullish long term chart of NOVL was posted at 11 1/2 on May 19:

I saw a post recomending reading: Benjamin Graham: "The Intelligent Investor"

It said Graham was billionaire Warren Buffett's teacher.

A site for investors:

DART Chart - Real-Time Charting and Alerts Software, and Software for Creating and Playing Animations: $35

StockUp, is said to offer ways for you to learn the basic fundamentals, but also find in-depth analysis of "every facet" of investing and finance. It may give you the tools and education to profitably manage your own investment portfolio.

One visitor said: "Yuck! I've never seen so many cookie requests."

No way on the puts. Personally, I own only Borland LEAPS. Over the coming 2 years this stock will see 20 or better. Just look at a chart for the last 2 years, and notice what happened when Delphi came out. The current line of products, including Delphi, should represent 10x the revenue stream Delphi did. (Remember, commercial developers don't like PASCAL, but LOVE C++ and will LOVE Java). So, the stock price went from 6 to 20 on strength of Delphi -- certainly, it should do AT LEAST that on the strength of C++ Builder & JBuilder & Intrabuilder.

The new CEO has done a great job so far. Earnings, due out shortly, will be bad as they take whatever hits are necessary. But the current quarter (4-1/6-30) is likely to be a huge winner, with the next one after that even better, and the one after that better still. They still have plenty of cash, and certainly the revenue will be excellent for the next 4 quarters.

Check out the Short Term Technical Trader at:


Using technical analysis, I select low priced stocks (<$10) capable of 20%+ gains in under 3 months. Surf by and check out my 1997 track record. Be sure to E-mail me so I can put you on my mailing list. You receive mail whenever my page is updated (usually weekly).

Only for graphics downloading users...
Dreyfus Brokerage Services:

Interested in charting stocks and commodities in real time? Download EuroCharts and try it out for free for 1 month from

Value Investor Workshop

June Market View

stock quotes

=== - Sedona, AZ

You can find a list of internet stock contests and simulations at

One missing from the list is
The Great Game
Which is for the London market

PC Quote, at
offers Final Bell, located on the home page, that is a trading simulator (sort of a stock market game). You may need to sign up, no chrge(?).

There was a free investment game at..

A source suggested to someone who was looking for 'getting started' help:

=== free stock mkt data

For Stock Split Calendar, see...

FREE Market Simulations for Educators

We were awarded "Yahoo of the Week"
ThinkQuest /Smart Investing

Four ways to use our simulations.

"Smart Stock Game" unlimited stock trades; real data from the exchanges;

complete with thousand investors on the Net.

"Educator" easy setup for classrooms or students investment club competitions

"Investment Groups" small or large groups; unlimited cash accounts

"Smart Funds Challenge" trades mutual funds and compete with others on the Net.

InvestSmart is sponsored by a non-profit organization to promote Internet style of learning. Questions? Write us.

InvestSmart Stocks and Mutual Funds Simulation for individuals, educators, and investment clubs.

Name, symbol, pricing info. for the stocks in the DJIA can be found at:

Working on a book, I've gotten stockpicking advice from fund managers like Michael Price, Peter Lynch and Foster Freiss, as well as quant king David Shaw and nobel laurete Merton Miller. I've put some chapters up at Send me your feedback!


You can get tons of information, plus set up your own portfolio.

The Internet Users Guide To Screening Stocks

You can also get screening software offered on cd-rom or floppy disk from companies such as Morningstar (800 735-0700) and Value Line (800 535-9648). These services let you set your own criteria, making them more powerful than their Web cousins. But they can cost as much as $995 annually, and many programs are updated weekly, at best. In contrast, most screening sites are updated daily with closing prices.

Sound good? It is, except for the problem of picking through all the Web's new stock-screening opportunities. That's why we set out to tour the sites and guide you toward the best. While most are free or offer a scaled-down version gratis, what you get at some spots is clearly better than at others.

...find more of the article via

NewsLinx, Daily Web News

Article linked to in the Friday, September 12, 1997 edition.

If you are reading this posting at a later date visit the NewsLinx archives at:


REading recommendations....
"A Random Walk Down Wall Street" by Malkiel--sound advice "The Wealthy Barber" by Chilton--corny, but solid "The Intelligent Investor" by Graham--dated, dry, but marvelous For more contemporary, easy reading, anything by Peter Lynch.

Q: Where do I go to then to REALLY learn about investing. Not just "what stocks are", etc., but "how one can use money to invest to secure oneself a good turnover."

A: Turnover is not what you want. Turnover means taxes and commissions. You want high return on investment, with low turnover.

Q: What can I expect to gain by using stock market, and other investing avenues? (I read that if one invests wisely in their 20's (that's how old I am), they can expect to reap alot when they grow older.

A: You are in the ideal situation--young and ready to invest. Time is your number one ally. Since you are young, you can afford to invest aggressively, which will enable you to reap higher returns over time.

If you simply invested $100/month in the Vanguard Index 500 mutual fund for the next 30 years, at that time you would have accumulated about $350,000 based on past performance. As the years go by and your income increases, you can substantially increase this value by boosting the monthly investment. If you want to get higher returns, invest in growth funds.

Take full advantage of IRA and 501K plans too. Any money you can invest before taxes is a huge plus.

Q: Just as important, what can I NOT expect to gain by using the stock market, and other avenues?

A: You cannot expect to make a million dollars quickly. That rarely happens unless you are starting with $10,000,000. If you try to get rich quick, you'll most likely end up poor. Yes, some people do get rich quickly, but some people get struck by lightning too.

Q: Is it possible to gain wealth without devoting one's life to investing strategies?

A: Absolutely! As I showed above, just a consistent investment in a quality mutual fund will make you very wealthy in time.

Q: And finally: If business schools like Wharton turn out stock geniuses every year, how can i expect to cash in on investing?

A: I'm not so sure the B-Schools turn out too many geniuses. After all, the Vanguard S&P Index fund doesn't use any 'brain power' and still beats 2/3 of all funds (supposedly run by geniuses) year in and year out.

Getting a good return on your investment does not take genius or even a great knowledge of stocks.

Q: A stock I just bought says that it will have a 2 for 1 stock split for shareholders on record as of a certain date (before I bought it.) This does not make any sense to me. I bought 50 shares. The way the news release describes it I will still have 50 shares after the split and the whoever sold me those shares (assuming he had them at record date) will get 50 shares back.

A: It means the company will pay the split to holders of record on that date. However, even if the shares do somehow go to him/ her, the new shares are really yours, and will eventually reach you. They usually go to you in the first place. A lot of people ask about the ins and outs of splits. In general, splits are not a big deal.... but some say that companies that split often see their market cap rise post split.... but I wonder if this in't just further action of whatever good news caused the price to rise so far that a split became "necessary" in the first place.

In general, splits work as follows: You start with, say, 100 shares of company XYZ trading at $80, paying a 70 cent dividend.

When the split happens, you KEEP your old certificates, and you receive a certificate for 100 more shares. However, each of your now 200 (total) shares now trades for $40, and pays a 35 cent dividend. You have lots of cheap things instead of a few valuable things... but your net worth and income are unaffected. There are no "tricks" that let you "win".

There's a list of stock screening sites at

To learn more about everything investing, try and
and for quotes and analysis, of course
and you could also check out
if you want to.


Q: Is there a web site (or place) where one can find stocks trading on a US exchange that are associated with a particular nation? For example, Brazil? or Portugal?

A: Go to the Bank of New York site ... they have a spreadsheet with all the ADRS, identified by country.

BusinessWeek reviewed some stock screening web sites.
(related page:

Suggested by an article in Computer Shopper article, Oct 97:
History of fines, etc levied on naughty companies, plus links

Suggested by an article in Computer Shopper article, Oct 97:
us corp websites...

Suggested by an article in Computer Shopper article, Oct 97:
UK corporate websites

Link to 'My Desk Pile' main page
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