Wall Street and 'The City' (London's equivalent)

This material is not 'polished'!!

STOP PRESS- for YEARS, someone has been finding this page by using a FreeFind search on "London's equivalent". I certainly don't mind... but I'd love to "meet" such a longstanding reader. Please contact me?

As I surf the net, I come across various things that I wish someone had told me about. In theory, one day it will all be available in the polished sections of my website. In the meantime, if you're willing to 'dig' through some disorganised material, you may be rewarded with 'gems'!

In some cases, the text is snipped from other sources. Therefore, among other things, the personal pronoun may not refer to the editor of this page. If, on the other hand something is identified as coming from 'TKB', he IS the pages's editor!

You may use it... I hope you will... but you are only allowed to use it if you accept all associated risk.

Click here for polished material for investors
For newer, even less polished stuff....click this
Ad from page's editor: Yes.. I do enjoy compiling these things for you... hope they are helpful. However.. this doesn't pay my bills!!! If you find this stuff useful, (and you run an MS-DOS or Windows pc) please visit my freeware and shareware page, download something, and circulate it for me? Links on your page to this page would also be appreciated!

Click here to visit editor's freeware, shareware page.

You've got questions. We've got answers. InvestorGuide Answers, that is. This new resource is a collection of links to over 1,000 answers to specific questions about investing and personal finance. If you're a beginner, or if you need information fast and don't have time to search, this is the tool for you. Click here
Stocknet-USA has just added a new "game" to their web site. It's open for
anyone to play--no purchase obligation or anything like that. New players
get $100,000 "virtual" dollars, to compete with each other using prices from
the real stock market, 15-minute delayed quotes.

Stocknet awards prizes on a periodic basis to winners of
the game. If you're into trading, it's worth checking out:
Click on the "Stocknet Challenge" option on the home page.
(I had trouble reading the text, but it was there in odd colours)
Click here


Click here for a page..... that has definitions of many of company "extensions", e.g. plc, GmB, etc. However, for some, all I know is the country of origin. For AG's, there is quite a bit of information (I went to German business school and worked in Germany). I also provided a list of security identifiers (CUSIP, ISIN, etc), and described what each one is, who issues it and how it is structured. At least, I did this for the ones I know, but I've forgotten what some of these things are (I used to work for Reuters, and programmed the check digit calculations when I was there, so I worked with these silly things a lot). Anyway, feel free to check the page out. The formatting isn't too great, and maybe I'll put the data into a table or something eventually. Let me know what you think, and please contact me if you have extra information to provide for my definitions. I haven't linked this page from my main corporate page listed in my signature yet, but I will shortly. Oh, BTW, I've been planning this page for a while, and had most of it done before today, I just hadn't gotten around to formatting. Don't think I'm going to answer every question posted in misc.invest this way! :-)

One of 4 pages from a 'mega source'.... I found this in DejaNews by using Alta Vista. The DejaNews copyright material begins here.....
Subject:      03: Internet-Adressen
From:         Julian_Zeller@lu.maus.de (Julian Zeller)
Date:         1997/09/07
Message-Id:   <199709071054.a23478@lu.maus.de>

     Principle, download Elliott Wave Tutorial shareware.
http://www.inch.com/~robertny/invest/menu.html .... Kelly &
   O'Sullivan Financial Services Group: articles from back issues
   of "Investing for the '90s" magazine.
http://www.indi.net/weber/weber.html .............. Joseph Weber:
   article on asset protection using offshore trusts, list of some
   offshore havens.
http://www.indo.net.id/commercial/iqs/iqs.html .... Indonesian Quoted
   Stocks: brief profiles of Indonesian companies.
http://www.info-mine.com .......................... Robertson Info-
   Data Inc.: current and archived mining news in "Prospector Daily
   Mining News" and "Deep Stope News", searchable database of
   contact information of mining companies and property locations.
   Registration required and fees are charged for complete company
http://www.infras.com ............................. Infrastructure:
   brief corporate profiles and charts for components of
   Infrastructure's semiconductor index and semiconductor equipment
http://www.infront.com.sg ......................... Information
   Frontiers: market indexes, stock prices, charts for Stock
   Exchange of Singapore; news highlights.
http://www.ino.com/broker/home.html ............... Lind Waldock &
   Co.: "Barry Lind's Trading File" featuring his rules for
   futures trading.
http://www.ino.com/futuresmag/home.html ........... Futures
   Magazine: index to articles appearing in "Futures" magazine.
http://www.ino.com/gen/csce.html .................. Coffee, Sugar &
   Coccoa Exchange: news releases; contract specifications; economic
   overviews of markets; charts; quotes and historical data; download
   SOFTSware options strategy software for Windows and Macintosh.

   ----- NEW ENTRY ------------------------------------
http://www.insidewallstreet.com ................... Inside Wall
   Street: profiles and news releases of participating companies.

http://www.intercom.net/biz/gmanter ............... Manter's Stock
   Survey: article describing the "price-to-profit potential ratio",
   stock recommendations and rankings.
http://www.internet-investor.com .................. Invest West:
   corporate profiles of companies based in Western Canada.
http://www.internode.net/~allend/futures.html ..... Allen Dick:
   Waldemar Puswzkarz's lists of links to futures-related WWW
   sites, basic information on futures and derivatives trading.
http://www.interquote.com ......................... InterQuote:
   quote server and end-of-day interactive quotes with downloaded
   InterQuote software for Windows. Ticker symbol lookup and format
   directory. Free registration required. Other enhanced services
   are available by paid subscription.
http://www.intervest.com/finance .................. Intervest
   Financial Corp.: corporate profiles and news releases for junior
   companies, lots of links to other WWW sites.
http://www.intrepid.com/~robert/option_pricer.html ........
   Robert Lum: options and commissions pricers.

   ----- REVISED ENTRY & NEW DNS ACCESS --------------
http://www.investorama.com ........................ Douglas
   Gerlach's Invest-O-Rama: collection of links to other WWW sites.

http://www.investorweb.com ........................ InvestorWeb:
   searchable database of company profiles, press releases;
   newsletter articles.

   ----- NEW ENTRY ------------------------------------
http://www.invrel.com ............................. The Investor
   Relations Group: corporate profiles and other information for
   client companies.

End of DejaNews copyright material.

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